Supporting vehicle fleets demands increasing know-how and service scopes - not only in the forwarding and logistics areas. For nearly 40 years, we have advised and supported a variety of fleet managers and fleet operators from industry and trade, leasing and car rental companies. We offer customised car insurance solutions and tailor-made service packages. We regularly review the motor vehicle insurance requirements and adjust insurance offers as necessary. We also rely particularly on our web-based and customer-oriented motor vehicle fleet management platform. It grows along with the industry and is updated on a regular basis.
Cost optimisation is a matter of course for us and for our service partners: We pay attention not only to risk-compatible premiums, but also to all cost drivers around cars and trucks.
Kostenoptimierung ist bei uns und unseren Servicepartnern Programm: Wir achten dabei nicht nur auf risikogerechte Prämien, sondern auf alle Kostentreiber rund um den Pkw oder Lkw. Kennen Sie schon unsere digitale Flottenverwaltung?