All operational properties and revenues (such as buildings, equipment, goods and coverage contributions (gross yields) are subject to risks that may be impossible to predict. Therefore, securing your assets and revenues takes the highest priority for constant protection of your company. Liability claims that may result from injury, property and product damage must be secured as well.
Concepts for customised insurances have been our proven strength for many years. They are based on structured risk determinations. We also work with our customers to develop customised prevention and risk management programmes and routines.
In the Financial Lines area, we offer you a wide range of insurance solutions for various areas, e.g. in the fields of cyber, D&O, fidelity violations or manager and criminal law protection.
Cyber insurance
Cyber risks may occur at your site at any time. They apply to all areas. Hacker attacks, data loss and internet espionage are increasing. Preventive measures in medium-sized enterprises are often not sufficient. As an entrepreneur, you may suffer immense damage that may threaten your company: financial loss, interruptions of operations and costly investigations may endanger your company's existence. Cyber-attacks often act like ticking time bombs. They do not become evident immediately, since many companies lack the control mechanisms needed for this. Even the most up-to-date software solutions (firewall, anti-virus programmes, anti-malware etc.) do not guarantee complete protection from cyber risks.
We offer comprehensive cyber-risk analysis to protect you and your company from possible dangers. We develop and procure individual cyber insurance solutions for you, so that you will not have to bear the costs or face third-party liability claims on top of suffering a hacker attack.
A manager can incur significant financial losses through wrong decisions. In this respect, liability claims can be asserted both by their own company and by third parties. As a basic principle, in the case of breaches of duty, a manager is liable with his/her entire private assets for damages he/she causes when exercising his/her mandate. Corporate bodies such as managements, boards of directors and supervisory boards can be insured by a manager’s liability insurance (D&O) against these demands, which are in some cases existence-threatening.
Fidelity violation
Fidelity insurance protects a company against financial risks due to fraudulent attacks from outside, and also in particular against damage arising from within the company itself. Annual damage resulting from employee criminality totals billions, and endangers a company’s reputation, liquidity and credit rating. There are numerous reasons for fidelity insurance; decreasing respect for third-party property and a lack of loyalty towards the employer increase the risk of misappropriation. Third party financial losses are also increasing, e.g. as a result of what is called the “Fake President” scam. Damages of this kind can reach existence-threatening proportions.
Manager and penal law protection
Employees in German companies enjoy far-reaching statutory protection mechanisms. On the other hand, managers must themselves look after the handling of extensive legal challenges in business life. The potential for conflict already exists in the employment contract, and extends to the wide field of criminal law. Robust protection for the company is important, and managers can then do without full criminal law protection cover in their own name that would otherwise be indispensable. However, circumstances also exist in which a manager is denied cover; there are also solutions for these cases. The topic is complex and important!
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Debt default
Many companies suffer financial damage due to debt defaults, which in the worst case can lead to their own downfall. Our Aktiv bad debt insurance protects customer receivables from trading in goods and services against possible payment default, and replaces financial damage in the event of a customer’s insolvency.
Receivables financing
Many companies need capital for their day-to-day business and for planned investments, and are not always supported by banks. Unpaid customer receivables also increase the financial pressure, and are an additional burden on companies. Liquidity can be considerably improved by selling these receivables.